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C-Corporation Filing Overview File Today!
Call: 866-4 Filing

A corporation is a type of entity that is formed and regulated on a state level. The corporation is formed by filing Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State within the state of incorporation.

Ownership in a corporation is expressed through the issuance of shares while the management of the corporation is governed by a board of directors who are elected by the shareholders..
The board of directors select officers who manage the day to day activities of the corporation. The board of directors also will draft bylaws for the corporation Bylaws are basically written protocols that define the way that the corporation will be governed.

Corporations are required to hold annual meetings for both the shareholders and the board of directors. The annual meetings are held to discuss and decide on important decisions that are faced by the corporation.

The corporation is the oldest form of business entity and has been historically a successful innovation that has allowed a collective group of individuals to collectively pool their resources and capital to pursue a common purpose their risk limited solely to the amount of stock owned. With that said a standard corporation may not be the best entity choice for everyone in today’s business world. The s-corporation and the limited liability company present many of the same benefits of asset protection provided by the corporation while allowing for less formality and more flexibility in regards to the distribution of ownership.


  • Limited personal liability
  • Perpetual existence
  • Better fringe benefits
  • Advantageous tax treatment
Filing Turnaround: 7 – 10 Business Day’s

LLC Formation package:

*Package Options: Basic
Name Availability Search    
Completing & Filing of your articles of Incorporation    
One Year Registered Agent Service    
Initial Statement of Information Filing (Includes Fee) $50.00  
Compliance Kit and Company Seal (Custom) $99.99  
Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) $80.00  
Development of Corporate Bylaws $99.99  

* Includes State Filing Fees

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